

谢 维

教授、博士生导师,生命科学研究院 院长
“发育与疾病相关基因”教育部重点实验室 主任
Labweb: /xkjs/xstd.asp






  1. Yi Li, Ziaki Zhou, Xinwang Zhang, Huawei Tong, Peipei Li, Zichao Zhang,  Zhengping Jia, Wei Xie and Junhai Han. Drosophila Neuroligin 4 regulates sleep through modulating GABA transmission. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2013 33:15545–15554

  2. Nina Hahn, Bart Geurten, Artem Gurvich, David Piepenbrock, Anne Kaestner, Damiano Zanini, Guanglin Xing, Wei Xie, Martin Göpfert, Hannelore Ehrenreich & Ralf Heinrich. Monogenic heritable autism gene neuroligin impacts Drosophila social behaviour.Behavioural Brain Research, 2013, 252:450-457

  3. Wenwen Shi, Yan Chen, Guangming Gan, Dan Wang, Jinqi Ren, Qifu Wang, Zhiheng Xu, Wei Xie, and Yong Zhang. brain tumor regulates neuromuscular synapse growth and endocytosis in Drosophila by suppressing Mad expression. The Journal of Neuroscience, 2013, 33(30):12352-12363

  4. Yao Tian, Yi Li, Mingkuan Sun, Wen Hu, Didi Wan, Jing Li, Junhai Han and Wei Xie. Neurexin Regulates Visual Function via Mediating Retinoid Transport to Promote Rhodopsin Maturation. Neuron, 2013,77:311-322

  5. Lin Yang, Fei Meng, Da Ma, Wei Xie and Ming Fang. Bridging Decapentaplegic     and Wingless Signalings in Drosophila Wings through a Repression of naked cuticle by Brinker.Development, 2013, 140:413-422

  6. David Knight, Wei Xie and Gabrielle Boulianne. Neurexins and Neuroligins: Recent Insights from Invertebrates. Molecular Neurobiology, 2011, 44(3):426-440

  7. Jinguo Cao, Yi Li, Wenjing Xia, Keith Reddig, Wen Hu, Wei Xie, Hong-Sheng Li, and Junhai Han. A Drosophila metallophosphoesterase mediates deglycosylation of rhodopsin. The EMBO Journal, 2011, 30: 3701-3713

  8. SUN MingKuan, XIE Wei. Cell Adhesion Molecules in Drosophila Synapse Development and Function. Sci China Life Sci, 2012, 55(1):20-26

  9. Mingkuan Sun, Guanglin Xing, Liudi Yuan, Guangming Gan, David Knight, Sheila Irene With, Cui He, Junhai Han, Xiankun Zeng, Ming Fang, Gabrielle L. Boulianne, Wei Xie. Neuroligin2 Is Required for Synapse Development and Function at the Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction. Journal of Neuroscience, 2011,31(2):687-699.

  10. Zikai Zhou, Jim Hu, Maria Passafaro, Wei Xie, Zhengping Jia. GluA2 (GluR2) Regulates Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor-Dependent Long-Term Depression through N-cadherin-Dependent and Cofilin-Mediated Actin Reorganization.  Journal of Neuroscience, 2011, 31(3):819-833.

  11. Wayne Huang, Zikai Zhou, R. Henkelman, Wei Xie, and Zhengping Jia. PAK1/3 control brain size through coordinating neuronal complexity and synaptic properties.Molecular and Cellular Biology,2011,31(3):388-403(with COMMENTARY).

  12. Zhou W, Zhang Y, Li Y, Wei YS, Liu G, Liu DP, Pleasure SJ, Xie W, Zhao C. A transgenic Cre mouse line for the study of cortical and hippocampal development. Genesis, 2010, 48(5):343-350.

  13. Mingkuan Sun, Lijuan Liu Xiankun Zeng, Li Liu, Ming fang, Wei Xie. Genetic Interaction between Neurexin and CAKI/CMG Is Important for the Synaptic Function in Drosophila Neuromuscular Junction. Neuroscience Research, 2009, 64:362-371.

  14. Yongqi Wan, Mingkuan Sun, Shanzhi Wang, Li Liu, Liudi Yuan, Wei Xie. DX16 is a novel SR protein phosphorylated by DOA. Mol Cell Biochem. 2008, 307(1-2):177-183.

  15. Liudi Yuan, Jing Zhou, Yongqi Wan, Mingkuan Sun, Yan Zhang, Fei Dou, Wei Xie. Identification of binding RNA sequences of Drosophila SR protein DX16. Mol Cell Biochem, 2007, 302:119-124.

  16. Xiankun Zeng, Mingkuan Sun, Li Liu, Fading Chen, Liuchan Wei, Wei Xie. Neurexin-1 is required for synapse formation and larvae associative learning in Drosophila. FEBS Letters, 2007, 581:2509-2516.

  17. Daoyong Wang, Min Xu, Yongqi Wan, Jiabin Liu, Haiteng Deng, Fei Dou, Xie Wei. Ecp is a Novel Ribosome-Associated Peotein Interact with RPL5. BBA, 2006, 1760:1428-1433.

  18. 万永奇, 谢维. 生命科学与人类疾病研究的重要模型——果蝇. 生命科学, 2006; 18: 425-429. .